HCP Sense aat the Dresden Machine Elements Colloquium
The focus of the congress is in particular the combination of the classic machine elements with the latest sensor technology for “sensor-integrating machine elements” #Sensorlager
In addition to well-known industry heavyweights and absolute experts such as
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eckhard Kirchner (Technical University Darmstadt),
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tobias Gemmeke & Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Jacobs (RWTH Aachen University) and
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Koch (Technical University Kaiserslautern)
today, HCP Sense co-founder and managing director Tobias Schirra had the chance to present our sensorless roller bearing sensors and the potential of the capacitive effect.
Many thanks to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Berthold Schlecht and the Technical University Dresden for the invitation!
Here you can find the original post in LinkedIn.